

I'm writing this as a reminder to myself...

Stress, worry, and anxiety are all the same thing --> Fear.

The difference is the timeframe in which we're experiencing that fear.

ANXIETY: Immediate, imminent fear. (It's happening Now.)

  • e.g. Anxiety about the meeting I'm about to walk into.

STRESS: Medium term fear. (Something happening Soon.)

  • e.g. I'm stressed about all the work I have to do by Monday.

WORRY: Long term fear. (Something happening in the Future.)

  • e.g. I'm worried I might never be fulfilled.

Anxiety, stress, and worry seem overwhelming in the moment. For me, I start to spiral when I feel these emotions. I freeze up, my mind is racing, and I can't let go of the repetitive negative thoughts that circulate in my brain like a tornado.

Remembering that these are all just Fear can be really helpful. Fear is something we can release. We are in control of fear. We can use our rational brain to disprove and move past fear.

How do we let go of fear? By asking good questions.

Questions I ask myself when I'm spiraling in anxiety, stress, or worry:

1. What am I afraid of? What is the bad situation I don't want to happen?

Force yourself to get to the root of it. Name it, and write it down.

2. What will happen if that bad situation happens? What am I really afraid of?

This might take 2-3 times to get to the root of what you're really afraid of. (it's kind of like the 5 Why's)

3. What action can i take to decrease my chances of the thing I'm really afraid of happening, happening?

Do the action and feel the anxiety, worry, stress melt away.

Remember, it's just fear.



P.S. As the CEO & Co-founder of a ~20 person health tech startup, stress, worry and anxiety are common, daily emotions. I’m sure everyone who’s been at a high growth, early stage startup can relate! This is just a snippet of what I’ve discovered about these emotions after years of experimentation and reflection. This is a reminder to myself and not mental health advice! :)